Our Farming Practices

We aim for it in everything we do. Our farm is a living being and we want our farm to be a full cycle of life. 

Organic & Biodynamic Practices

After shifting from conventional to biological farming in 2010 we made the commitment to care for our soil using only biodynamic preparations and organic practices. These include using natural applications of fermented composted teas, fish, sea weeds and humates onto our soils. We also recycle all farm nutrients such as effluent onto our pastures to make sure we grow nutritious, healthy and vigorus grasses and herb. 

We are passionate about having a business that’s balanced with the environment and a life that’s balanced with a love of what we do. The opportunity to create Red Cow Organics has allowed us to achieve that. We truly believe that consumers can taste, in every mouthful, the love, joy, and adventure that went into creating our product.